Information, advice & Guidance

IAG Introduction.

We offer our Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) services on an impartial and free basis to support and help everyone develop as lifelong learners and achieve their potential in their career of choice.
When approached for IAG on other areas including, for example: finance, health and relationships we may choose to signpost learners to other local or national organisations who provide specialist services on those issues.
To implement the policy we will:
• Provide accurate and impartial information, advice and guidance to existing and potential learners, employers and stakeholders about the courses, qualifications and support services we offer.

• Provide accurate and impartial information, advice and guidance to our own staff about their rights, entitlements and responsibilities as employees, about staff development procedures and opportunities, about performance management and grievance procedures, and about opportunities to contribute to the organisations strategic planning.

• Provide a service which is free and confidential to the individual, and which meets the highest standards of equality of opportunity.

Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG)


Information – refers to the provision of factual information relating to learning and careers, but without exploring the relative merits of different options. Information can be imparted verbally by an advisor or by printed material and the internet.
Advice – requires more in-depth interaction with the learner. It includes the explanation of information and how to access and use the information.
Guidance – involves an in-depth session or series of sessions between the learner and advisor, in which the advisor helps the learner through the process of making decisions about learning and careers. We can offer information on potential careers in various occupational sectors as well as signposts to other IAG service providers.
Referrals are made when an advisor recognizes that the services of another organisation or agency would more effectively meet the needs of the learner.  A referral can be made either internally within the organisation or externally to outside organisations. These can be within consortia or non-consortia partners. All referrals are in line with the Data Protection Act and other relevant policies.
IAG Service

Who can use our services?

This statement sets out the details of our IAG service as it applies to learners and employers. The purpose of this statement is to clarify what is on offer, and what someone can expect when using our service.
• Current learners who are enrolled on a programme at UK Graduate College and are interested in doing another programme as a progression.
• Enquirers and prospective learners who are not yet registered with us but are considering us as an option.
• Employers who want information about our programmes, courses, or about any bespoke training we may offer.
What can you expect from us?
• Accurate and impartial information, advice and guidance on the full range of services we offer.
• A service that conforms to national standards.
• Equality of treatment.

IAG services we offer

Help with choosing the right programme and/or qualification
Help with starting your programme
Learning Support
Initial Assessments
Support during your Programme
Help with moving on to higher education or a career
What next?


It doesn’t matter where you are in your learning journey – we can make sure you start exactly where you need to. Our Information, Advice and Guidance staff will work with you to find out what your hopes are and prepare a pathway that can be from Introductory courses right the way to University level.

What qualifications do you have?

No formal qualifications

We recommend:
Short introductory courses and Essential Skills in English and maths.
Ready-made course package in a chosen subject area.

How many courses should I apply for?

Select 4 courses that are of interest to you and / or relate to your future plans.
After completing the 4 courses, you may want to do another 4 to continue building confidence or you could move onto some short accredited courses.

Once you have completed this course, you will have:

A basic knowledge and introduction to a subject / topic

Career Opportunity:
Depending on the course you have completed, you may be able to go straight into work in your relevant industry using your qualification.

Completed Introductory / Exploring courses

We recommend:
Short accredited courses at Level 1 and Level 2, Functional Skills in English and maths, Essential Digital Skills Qualifications.
Ready-made course package in a chosen subject area.

How many courses should I apply for?
Select 1 or 2 accredited courses that relate to your future plans. This will provide you with an opportunity to gain qualifications and prepare you for moving onto longer more substantial qualifications or to look for employment and / or volunteering opportunities.

After completing 1 or 2 Accredited courses, you may want to do 1 or 2 more to continue building confidence or you could move onto our long course accredited Diploma courses.

Once you have completed this course, you will have:
Level 1 qualifications that are the equivalent to GCSEs Grades 3 to 1 / D to G
Level 2 qualifications that are the equivalent to GCSE’s Grades 9 to 4 / A* to C

Career Opportunity:
Depending on the course you have completed, you may be able to go straight into work in your relevant industry using your qualification.

Completed short courses at Level 1 and Level 2, Functional Skills in English and Maths

We recommend:
Long accredited courses at Diploma Level 2 and Level 3, GCSE English and Maths.

How many courses should I apply for?
Select 1 long course that will help you to move onto university or employment.
You may also want to study GCSE or Functional Skills qualifications alongside your course that will help you to progress.

Once you have completed this course, you will have:
Level 2 qualifications that are the equivalent to GCSE’s Grades 9 to 4 / A* to C
Level 3 qualifications that are the equivalent to A Levels or BTECs

Career Opportunity:
Depending on the course you have completed, you may be able to go straight into work in your relevant industry using your qualification.

Completed long courses at Diploma Level 2 and Level 3, GCSE English and Maths

We recommend:
University courses at Level 4 and Level 5

How many courses should I apply for?
Select 1 long course that will help you to achieve your chosen career goal.

Once you have completed this course, you will have:
Level 4 qualifications are the equivalent to Higher National Certificate (HNC)
Level 5 qualifications are the equivalent to a Foundation Degree or Higher National Diploma (HND)

Career Opportunity:
Depending on the course you have completed, you may be able to go straight into work in your relevant industry using your qualification.

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