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Recruitment Services

Recruit from Asia

UK Graduate Recruitment Service

Having the right people is key to business success and here at UK Graduate, we help businesses address the challenges of change. In those periods of uncertainty, we can provide you with the talent you need to stay one step ahead.

You may need to act swiftly, even radically. Which is why you need to access the right people, at the right time. We consistently attract and interact with the best candidates and we are at the forefront of specialist recruitment. It means we are best placed to get the right candidate for your precise business needs. You can trust our highly rated Apprentice Recruitment Service to provide you with a short-list of job-ready candidates.

UK Graduate is also one of the leading specialist recruitment consultancies in Bangladesh and Nepal providing an international pool of talent to the UK and Europe.

Recruit Internationally

Let us find the students or employees for you.

International recruitment is about more than just applicants, we do the assessments, interviews and screenings so you don’t have to.

Our recruitment service model sees our candidates receive individualised support in every aspect of their UK or EU job application(s) - from language training, to finding a property, applying for a visa/work permit and mentoring. All these aspects help us maintain high retention for universities and employers.

Why recruit through UK Graduate?

Let us save you valuable resources.

Recruiting new employees can be a costly and time-consuming process for organisations; one that uses up significant resources, but rarely offers any guarantees.

Human resources departments face a tricky task when it comes to ensuring a flow of continual talent into the business, and making sure they hire individuals who are suited to the job and the culture of the organisation. In a buoyant jobs market, where employers are competing with one another for the most skilled and experienced staff, this becomes even more difficult.

In many cases, employers need specialist support with their hiring strategies. Using a recruitment agency like UK Graduate will help you identify and attract talent, negotiate terms, and relieve a huge amount of pressure.

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